Management Zambra is a system with high quality standards, being one of the information systems in Latin America for data analysis.


Management Zambra adapts to any type of companies such as private public university sector among others


focusing its operational control application to ISO-9001 ISO-31000 ISO-1911 ISO-18091-MIPG


Our staff has the necessary skills to meet all your requirements

Information system for the evaluation, monitoring and control that adjusts to any type of process in the different business sectors.

a very user-friendly system which does not need to have great knowledge in the field for its analysis and understanding.

With security standards that guarantee the reliability of your information, consisting of a security module that guarantees its administration

Flexibility. It is a software created in the Nariño department which can be easily modified by its developers and adjusted to the needs of the user and the company.

Portability. Our information system can work on any PC or Tablet with any version of Windows operating system on any unlimited number of computers.

DATA ANALYSIS. Dashboards, Dashboards, Data Mining, Real-time Analysis


Sector público: Sistema de información para dar cumplimiento a la política de gobierno digital en Colombia automatizando planes de desarrollo-MIPG- sistema de gestión de calidad (NORMAS ISO)-MECI-Planes estratégicos-Proyectos en general-manejo de metodología Balance Scorecard

Sector privado: Manejo de la metodología BSC-ISO 9001 2015- ISO 31000-Plnes estratégicos-proyectos en general

Sector Universidades: Simulador BSC Para la enseñanza- ISO 9001 2015- ISO 31000-Planeacion estratégica-planes de desarrollo institucional-sistemas de información Gerenciales.

Highly qualified personnel currently work in the business sector and university teaching in graduate and undergraduate programs
Javier Alejandro Zambrano

Javier Alejandro Zambrano

Managing Director

Tec. automatizacion industrial- Ing. sistemas- Esp. Gerencia-Master. Mrketing Digital-Mg. Administracion-Can. Doctorado industria y organizaciones


Quality manager

Health manager

Esp. Salud

Frank Fajardo

Frank Fajardo

Quality manager

Administrador de empresas Magister Sistemas Integrados de Gestión Par Académico Evaluador del Ministerio de
Educación Nacional

Diana Zambrano

Diana Zambrano


Contadora Esp. Finanzas

La opinion de nuestros clientes es muy importante para nosotros



"Simulador para BSC programa de administración de empresas"

Universidad Católica del Sur

Universidad Católica del Sur

Plan de Desarrollo

"Evaluación plan de desarrollo institucional"



Escuelas de postgrados FACEA

"Implementacion de BSC para la escuela de postgrados FACEA"


It will be a pleasure to assist you

Our office

Cra 22 f no 7-40 B/obrero Pasto Colombia


Atención al Usuario +573135505504 manager +573168750712 Mon - Fry, 8:00-16:00

Contact us

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